Stretching and Strength Training for Prevention & Rehabilitation Stretching and strength training while following the advice of a professional physiotherapist …
How Screen Time Can Negatively Impact Our Bodies There’s a fairly new term that has been circulating around chiropractic offices …
Physical Literacy Childhood obesity and inactivity rates are on the rise and to combat this negative trend we have to …
Physical Activity Guidelines for Older Adults For older adults, ages 65 and older, The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends …
Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults For adults, ages 18-64, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends the following guidelines. Physical Activity …
Physical Activity & Sedentary Behavior Guidelines for Youth For youth, ages 12-17, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends the following guidelines. …
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Guidelines for Children For children, ages 5-11, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends the …
Physical Activity & Sedentary Behavior Guidelines for Children Children in the early years should be physically active as a part of games, …
We are Ambassadors of the World Partnership Walk! The Flame of Hope is stepping forward again this year to end …
Understanding Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome What is Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome? Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome is an exercise induced muscle …