Plantar Fasciitis – Massage Therapy Approach | East Vancouver Wellness Centre

Plantar Fasciitis – Massage Therapy

Doing a standing calf stretch twice a day can decrease the tension put on the plantar fascia.

Standing Calf Stretch:

1) Stand up straight.

2) Step forward with your right leg and place the ball of your foot against a wall.
Make sure to point your toes toward yourself as you place the ball of your foot against a wall (avoid putting your toes on the wall).


3) Lean in with your body towards the wall. Keep your back straight when leaning in.

4) Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.

5) There should be no pain of any kind when performing the stretch. You should feel the stretch in your calf muscles (back of your lower leg) of the leg that is placed on the wall.

Plantar Fasciitis Stretch: Plantar Fasciitis – Massage Therapy Approach Vancouver
 Plantar Fasciitis Stretch: Standing up Straight
Plantar Fasciitis –Vancouver treatment clinic Massage Therapy Approach - Leaning in to the stretch – Massage Therapy Approach Vancouver
 Plantar Fasciitis Stretch: Leaning in to the stretch

If you have plantar Fasciitis, chances are  our Massage and Chiropractor Clinic in East Vancouver can help. To book an appointment with our Vancouver Chiropractor or Massage Therapist,  call 604-876-9977. Or click here to contact us online and learn more!

And, as always, if you’re in East Vancouver or the greater Vancouver Area we invite you pop in to see us at Backs in Action Wellness Centre.