Start your morning the right way!

Tips for feeling great in the morning:

Lemon Water

Upon waking drink a glass of warm water with fresh lemon…..this helps to boost the immune system, aids digestion, cleanses the urinary tract by washing away overnight toxins, and improves overall health and well being.

Meditation or Light Yoga

Enjoy some meditation or light yoga for 10 – 15 minutes, time to reflect on the day to come

Have a Morning Green Smoothie

One of the main reasons you’d want to swap your dead, sugar-laden, complex breakfast with a “pre-chewed” morning greens smoothie is to gain access to bio-available nutrition while preserving your precious digestive fire. In this way, your body can focus its energy on other important tasks, like cellular repair, detoxification and the metabolism of that not-so-healthy late-night snack.
Mine usually consist of 1 small banana, handful of flat-leaf parsley, kale, spinach, blueberries and filter water (if I want to make creamy, I add ½ an avocado) – delicious!

For more tips and helpful nutritional information – Book an appointment today with Backs in Action Wellness Centre, Alison Smitten ROHP! Call us at 604-876-9977