Social Distancing – Thoughts from Physiotherapist Robert Truong

Social Distancing – Thoughts from Physiotherapist Robert Truong

As part of our social distancing series highlighting things our therapists were doing while at home, physiotherapist Robert Truong shared what he was doing while keeping his distance from others.

“The past weeks of social distancing have been a shared experience of adjustment. I have been preoccupied with home workouts, reading – academic and casual literature. I have been going out on lone walks and am reminded that spring is here with all its picturesque qualities, offering comfort in this troubled time.

I would like to take this time to express my heartfelt thanks to you and all of the people that are extending their help to others at this time at any capacity. Front line health workers are working incessantly. Others are fundraising for personal protective equipment, helping a neighbour with groceries, or offering virtual help to our communities. I feel so grateful to be part of our community and nation at this time. I think we all are discovering how we can help others at this time and our capacities to help.

I am grateful to be sharing my thoughts with our Backs in Actions clients. I look forward to working with you again in the clinic or through virtual Telehealth. I wish you all the best, and we are all in this together.

Best in health,
