What is Massage Therapy?
Massage Therapy is a comprehensive intervention involving a range of massage techniques to manipulate the soft tissues and joints of the body. The purpose of Massage Therapy is to relieve pain and help prevent, develop, maintain, rehabilitate and augment physical function.
It is a clinically-oriented health option that achieves undeniable results in the relief of an array of discomforts stemming from stress, muscular overuse and many chronic pain syndromes. Whether your need is to enjoy a moment of relaxation, to reduce muscle tension or to attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being as well as your quality of life. Massage Therapy benefits people of all ages. While it benefits the injured, the ill and the stressed, the real strength of Massage Therapy lies in prevention.
Is Massage Therapy Right for You?
If you have further questions regarding Massage Therapy at our East Vancouver Clinic, feel free to drop by and meet the team, book a hassle-free appointment online, contact us or call us at 604-876-9977. We are here to help, to educate, and to choose for and with you, the perfect combination of therapies.

What to Expect
Your first visit to a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) at Backs in Action will include a brief verbal assessment (concerns, feelings, physical health and stress level) and a hands-on assessment. The RMT will perform a customized massage treatment session based on your goals. Your Massage Therapist will then perform a reassessment asking for your feedback about the session. The RMT will also give you some exercises to supplement your treatment. Then you and the RMT will come up with a customized treatment plan.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments from a Registered Massage Therapist, including:
- Whole body relaxation
- Loosening of tight muscles
- Relief of tired and aching muscles
- Increased flexibility and range of motion
- Diminished chronic pain
- Calming of the nervous system
- Lowered blood pressure
- Lowered heart rate
- Enhanced skin tone
- Assisting in recovery from injuries and illness
- Strengthened immune system
- Reduced tension headaches
- Reduced mental stress
- Improved concentration
- Promotion of restful sleep
- Mental relaxation aid

Conditions Treated
There many conditions that can be safely and effectively treated with Massage Therapy from a Registered Massage Therapist. Some of the conditions RMTs treat and assist with are:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain)
- Headaches
- Tendinitis
- Fractures and edema
- Post-surgical rehabilitation
- Stress and related conditions
- Insomnia
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Sports injuries
- Muscle tension and spasm
- Whiplash/MVA
- Strains and Sprains
- Kyphosis and scoliosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Plantar fasciitis
- Golfer’s/tennis elbow
- Patellar tracking dysfunctions
- Asthma
Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST)
- Cranial Sacral Therapy is a pleasant, light-touch massage therapy treatment which works with the body’s central nervous system to relieve tension within the soft tissues and fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord.
- Cranial Sacral Therapy helps to boost the immune system, prevent stress and slow the aging process.
- Treatment is done with a light touch, and is applicable for all ages, from newborns to the elderly.
Who Would Benefit From This Modality?
Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy benefits those with migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension disorders, motor coordination impairments, brain and spinal cord injuries, TMJ syndrome along with many other conditions treated with Massage Therapy.

Deep Tissue Massage
- Deep-Tissue Massage utilizes slow strokes, direct pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles with the fingers, thumbs or elbows.
- Deep Tissue Massage helps loosen stiff muscles, provides pain relief, eliminates scar tissue, and increases flexibility.
- Deep-Tissue Massage works deep into the muscles and connective tissue to release chronic aches and pain.
Who Would Benefit From This Modality?
Deep-Tissue Massage Therapy benefits people seeking chronic pain treatment, edema or swelling treatment, muscle cramping treatment, fibromyalgia treatment, and carpal tunnel syndrome treatment.
Myofascial Release
- Myofascial Release Massage Therapy deals with the fascia, or connective tissue, of the body. The fascia is interconnected to every other part of the body, and actually helps to support the body’s very structure, including the musculoskeletal system. When injury, inflammation, or physical or emotional trauma occurs, the fascia can become tight and cause pain and/or restricted range of motion.
- Myofascial Release, as its name suggests, aims to release the fascia and return it to a state of normalcy by applying gentle pressure to the restricted areas.
Who Would Benefit From This Modality?
It helps people with muscular and joint pains, fatigue, tensions and other sustained physical damage as well as people with low back pain, whiplash, plantar fasciitis and headaches.

Prenatal Massage
- Prenatal or Pregnancy Massage Therapy uses gentle massage techniques to help alleviate some of the ailments associated with pregnancy, including lower back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain.
- Prenatal Massage can help improve circulation, promote stress reduction and relaxation.
Sports Massage
- Sports Massage Therapies are both preventative and therapeutic, and used for athletes during warm ups, training and competition to treat and/or aid in the prevention of sports injuries.

Swedish Massage
- Generally regarded as the most common form of massage, Swedish Massage involves a combination of five basic strokes and concentrates on the muscles and connective tissues of the body for improved circulation, relaxation, pain relief, and overall health maintenance and well-being.
Who Would Benefit From This Modality?
Swedish Massage benefits anyone who is over-worked and stressed by bringing body and mind relaxation.
Trigger Point Therapy
The BCACC is the professional association of clinical counsellors within British Columbia. They liaison with training colleges, clinics, and independent counsellors across BC, and ensure a professional environment for their respective practitioners within their profession.
Visceral Manipulation (VM)
- Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a specific form of treatment that focuses on mobilizing and relieving whatever the core issue of the body may be, and to help restore the body to full health.
- Due to the overlap between muscles and the nervous system, treating muscles alone is insufficient to help resolve an injury. Only when the corresponding visceral and other fascia/ connective tissue is mobilized can the injury be relieved. The longer an injury/ issue has been present, the more applicable visceral manipulation is for treatment.
Who Would Benefit From This Modality?
Visceral Manipulation benefits those requiring physical therapy for whiplash and motor accident injuries, sports injuries, spinal dysfunction, lower back pain and sciatica, headaches and migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, digestive disorders, acid reflux, post-surgical recovery, men and women’s health issues, chronic pain, anxiety and depression and many other conditions that are treated by Registered Massage Therapists.
Our RMTs will often provide and demonstrate therapeutic exercises after your treatment to help you maximize the impact of your massage as well as to help equip you with simple techniques to relieve pain and work on its root causes if it strikes again.
Therapeutic Exercise
- Therapeutic Exercise is a physical therapy intervention that encompasses a broad range of activities designed to restore or improve musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and/or neurologic function.
The Massage Therapy services we provide are often included in extended healthcare coverage.
Please don’t hesitate to visit our East Vancouver RMT Massage today to meet the team. And you can always book an appointment online, contact us or call us at 604-876-9977 to book your massage therapy appointment.