What You Should Know Before Coming To Your Appointment
Patients booking an appointment will be asked a series of COVID-19 screening questions. On the day of their appointment, you will receive an email asking you the following questions.
- Do you have a fever?
- Do you have flu, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, loss of smell, headache, diarrhea or flu-like symptoms?
- Have you travelled or had close contact with anyone who has travelled within the last 14 days?
- Have you had close contact with anyone with respiratory illness or a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, we ask you to reschedule your appointment for your wellbeing and the safety of others. You may also be contacted by one of our staff to get further information or to discuss alternative treatment options with you.
Healthcare workers who have been treating COVID-19 patients, airport staff and others strictly following PPE protocols and are asymptomatic, may book appointments in-clinic but will be asked to declare this when filling out their same-day screening questionnaires.
What You Should Know Before Coming To Your Appointment
As part of the Plan to keep everyone safe, we are asking the following of all our patients:
- Wear a medical grade face mask to protect yourself and others. Backs in Action requires that masks are worn for all in-clinic appointments. Patients are encouraged to bring their own masks. If they do not have one upon arrival, they will have the ability to purchase one for a nominal fee ($1). If a patient declines to wear a mask or is unable to do so because of a medical condition, please let the front desk know to discuss alternatives
- Wash your hands before and after each appointment
- Cancel your appointment if you are feeling sick or are demonstrating flu-like symptoms, or symptoms consonant with COVID-19, however mild.
- Plan to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. If you’ve arrived ahead of schedule, please wait outside, if possible, until that time
- Maintain physical distancing guidelines immediately outside the clinic and within the clinic itself wherever possible
- Follow the arrows directing patient flow marked on the floor
- If you anticipate needing water during your appointment, please bring a pre-filled bottle with you.
- If you belong to a vulnerable health group (the elderly, those with a compromised immune system or pre-existing condition such as respiratory illness, etc.), please consider taking advantage of our Telehealth services. One of our team would be happy to help you decide what’s right for you. Alternatively, you may request to book for the first or last appointments of the day or at a quieter time at the clinic to avoid being in contact with too many people.
For more information, please email us or call us at 604-876-9977.